Thursday, November 2, 2006

~Why is God messing with me??

I am starting to wonder if sometimes a town just aint big enough?...and if it isn't... is the country or the world ever big enough for some it possible to outrun destiny? even when you want to be a man of principles and stay away from the forbidden fruit? what if the forbidden fruit runs into you at a gas station when your world is marching in a straight line between the hash marks?

What is a man suppossed to do? how do you silence your heart when it wants to beat a hole out of your chest...? how do you push the beads of sweat in your palms back into the pores of the skin...? How do you act normal around the one thing you've always wanted as much as you want your next breath? How do you capture a whirlwind in your mind? how do you do it so that the 4 minutes that it takes for her to fill up her gas tank can play in real time, real color, real audio and real 5-senses highdefinition inside your closed eyelids?

What do you do so that when she gives you that "I havent seen you in forever" hug you can freeze the fabric of time and you can feel her face brush against yours just enough to say with her heart "...this is just a little reminder to your heart of what I feel like..."

How can a man stop the world so that as his hands over lap themselves around her back he can hold her and squeeze her even tighter and then pull away to look her in the eyes and say, "I think about you 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and I have done so for the last 15 years!" do you back to normality when the last smile you see out of her is an extended look and smile in which she is making it 100% obvious that there is so much more she wants to say, so much unfinished bussiness to tend to...and what, that you own could you give, for a trascript of the best 10 seconds of her thoughts as she got back in the car and drove away...

How do you stop thinking about the forbidden fruit? how do you put your heart away and ignore it? if someone knows, please let me know. I really want to know.

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