Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Hanna Montana Concert

A couple of weeks ago I took my little girl to see Hanna Montana in concert...upon returning I had bucketfuls to say but good ole MySpace decided to mess up my blog and it was out of commission until 2 days after the Superbowl...of course I had bucketfuls to say about that too so I blogged about that...I almost scrapped this one but could not bring myself to do so...I know that some of you (especially my lady friends) that participated in my research for the Primaries blog are expecting to see that...I promise that it's on the way!

Ok…so I've decided to do a commentary on the Hanna Montana show…it would make sense being that I work in the entertainment industry for me to do a "technical" commentary so I will do a brief one…

The production was amazing…live band set up, typical arena "end stage" with a "Thrust" runway for intimate interaction with the public…the floor of the catwalk was a plexiglass with an LED wall on it's back so that Hannah/Miley could literally be dancing on the screen…

Christian girl-rocker band Everlife opened and put on a great teeny-girl band performance, DEFINITELY warming up the 5 to 12 year old female demographic…they had a 40 minute set, that was ….rockingly cute… how's that?

Then came out Hannah Montana with her band after a brief intermission, the band, (obviously VERY enhanced by background tracks and vocals) DID in fact play live (Drums, Keyboards, Bass, and 2 guitars)…a great band, very tight and very entertaining.

Full compliment of dancers and background vocalists…the lighting show and multimedia was a bit of a disappointment for me….the lighting package was comprised of the obligatory vari-lights rig…unfortunately (and maybe because of the multiple dance numbers) the lighting director made priority the use of the VL5's which are a color, par wash, as opposed to VL6's which make patterns and really cool light rays…it makes for a much more dramatic look…it was well lit but rather lackluster…plenty of Pyros, confetti and streamers….

Perhaps the most disappointing part came from the multimedia complement…I saw Keith Urban a couple of months back and the multimedia MADE that show…The HM show is still using Barco Projection screens, that while were pretty bright for Barcos they don't even come close to the punch of LED walls….I'm a bit puzzled as to why they went with Barcos as opposed to LED walls, budget CERTAINLY can not be an issue on this tour…not to mention the fact that all of her contemporaries like the Cheetah Girls and just about anything Disney birthed is using LED's (Including N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys)…Something tells me that they were using I-MAG for tour support…so behind the times….LED Walls, and the lighting would have made all the difference in the world.

She closed the show with the only tune even the most clueless or parents could have sang along to by virtue of being the opening theme to the TV show…. "Best of Both Worlds" …she did an encore with 2 VERY weak songs…she should have gone out with Best of Both worlds…

OK!!!!! That was my tech review! Now here's ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Victoria's daddy's review….

When I told my daughter that I had tickets, I was attacked and hugged and kissed like I had just saved her life….thank you and I love you was all that she kept repeating… I must admit that I was not 100% in tune to how much she loved and knew of Hannah Montana…

I must also say that my sons were very cool about this…I did not take them…and in all honesty I'd rather take them with me to see Night Ranger in Vero Beach in 2 weeks than take them to see Hannah Montana…but they understood that it was something sweet that daddy wanted to do for their sister…they went with me to break the news to her that we had tickets and really enjoyed watching her spaz out!



The show was cool…she got dressed up very "rock and rollish" courtesy of tia Lili…and then we took pictures for a little bit…then we drove 45 minutes to the absolutely gorgeous area of Biscayne Bay to the American Airlines Arena, of course we had to buy a shirt and then lemonade and popcorn and on to the show!


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My friend Logan and his fiancĂ©e Amanda are actually on the tour, so we were able to hang out with them for a little bit and then back to the show… she screamed, danced and jumped for an hour and a half and she sang along to probably 80% of the songs… the whole time I'm thinking… "when did you learn all of these songs?"….

When it was all over we went back to the car and then back home….she was a little chatter box and would not stop talking about it…about the time we got out of traffic and onto I-95 I could tell she was running out of energy and she said, "daddy, why don't you play something you like now?"… I said "really?" she nodded yes… "ok, I said, so I plugged the i-pod and put on Supertramp's Greatest Hits…about the time that Long Way Home came on she was out cold in the back seat…

As we drove home I could not help but to think of the time that Miley's dad Billy Ray made a total ass of himself at the Grammy's with his Achey Breakey Heart dance…it was quite embarrassing for him… God bless him though…good daddy, when he heard about the Hannah Montana auditions he went to Disney (knowing full well that Disney was looking for an older actress for the part) and said to them "I realize that Miley does not stand a chance of getting the part because she's not what you guys are looking for, but would you please let her audition? I just want for her to get the experience of an audition…" What Billy knew though was that Miley was good…..really good….he quietly set her up for success, and when she floored them at the audition (which you can see on YouTube by the way), he just stood there proud of his little girl…

We drove home and I carried Victoria to her bed…I tucked her in…she insisted on wearing her Miley concert Tee to bed…as I walked out of her room and turned out her light she said, "daddy?"…. "do you think Miley's dad took her to concerts?" …. I replied… "I'm pretty sure he did…."… "I love you daddy…." I'm a lucky man.

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