Friday, March 14, 2008

~Just Because

I love you because of all you are...because you’re a fallible human being like I am...sometimes I see a little of the skin beneath the make up where you missed a spot and I wish it would all come off...I wanna see the touch of the years that you’re trying so hard to hide...the years that are also touching my skin....and celebrate the triumph of all in this world that we’ve overcome...just because.

And I love you because of your heart...and how you tear up in a sweet moment in a movie...or when someone else who’s speaking starts to cry....for the tenderness that is "you"...for the little girl who never grew...for the princess, butterfly, the mermaid, the fairy and the muse that you are and have been so many times since you were a child....for the dreams that lie unfulfilled waiting for me to get my hands on them and romance them into existence... just because...

I also love you for where you’ve been...for the parts of your life that overlap with mine...for the songs that you grew up with that I was growing up with too...for the one and simple fact that a simple tune can carry you and I through the fabric of time to a place that’s long gone and forgotten by everyone else but us...for the silly hairdos that you wore when they were fashionable...and for how much I would have loved you in them if I’d had you back then...for the tacky clothes that you loved back when they were in fashion and how I would have desired you because of them if we would have been friends then... for all the similar lessons that life taught us individually yet mutually simply by living in the same decades and growing up when we did...the just because...

I love you for who I know you can be...and because I have seen the potential in you and I know of all that you’re truly capable of achieving and becoming, and I dream that all that’s missing in your life is me...only to tell you every day that one soul in this world has no doubt at all that there’s nothing you can’t do, no dream you can’t hold you as tight as you wanna be held and let go when you need to be let go....just because...

I love you for what you bring out in me...for the shot of rocket fuel that it is to my veins when you say, "I still love you"...and that you’re proud of me...and that you believe in me....I love you for inspiring me to be the man I know that I can be if I have someone to be that man for...I want to rope the moon, I want to reach the stars, I want to paint the sky, and conquer the universe only to bring in on a platter to love live and breathe with you....drink your smile and swim in the ocean of your eyes.....and not one single second of one single day forget what my life was like without you.....just because....just because...may I never forget when I do have you...what my life was like without you...just because.

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