Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Catalyst

The online dictionary defines the word Catalyst as "an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action"

Have you ever felt so bound to a condition that it absolutely consumed your very soul? usually those who fall prey to such conditions are not "living life abundantly"...we call them it to chemical substances, to gambling, to pornography, to sex, to spending moneys they don't have to spend.......such people are usally the ones we imagine as being out of control and even with one foot in the grave...we imagine them in dingy places, in dirty conditions, hair unkept, 5 oclock shadow,  dried up... but oddly's so easy to find ourselves just as out of control as the guy who just spent his last $5 on a dog race in Ft. Lauderdale....because the abuse is not necessarily about poor character............the abuse is about dependency.

While it's true that many addictions and dependencies start in one way or another due to poor or weak character in someone (sometimes in the character of the ones doing the abusing or their parents) sometimes the dependency or addiction happens strictly in the midst and as a result of circumstance and out of the desire to fill a void...those with addictions and dependencies dont always walk through life outwardly looking like derelycts ....they OFTEN look

Outwardly very much in control of everything that life throws my way........outwardly, living the dream of being a working proffesional and playing as much guitar as I could possibly want....being an in-demand musician around town....enjoying the benefits of God's blessings by having the absolute best kids that I could have ever dreamed of that love me and love each other.....that are thoughtful and polite.......not just by my description but by those that always tell me how good they are................outwardly enjoying the love of my bosses and peers.....enjoying for the first time in my life not being on the "outs" with just about is too short......(i say "just about" because you can't always help the way that others feel about you).......most importantly being in a phase of my life where the love of my saviour Jesus Christ has become more evident than ever in more ways that I have room to list in 1000 blogs...................AND I was..................................dependent.

I wont say what I was dependent wasnt a vice. It wasnt immoral. it wasnt chemical or alchohol...........................I dare to say you'd find it trivial ..........and yet it was consuming my life.......consuming my soul..........and as much as I prayed, pleaded, and tried to bargain with God......I'm guessing He was wanting for me to pull myself up by my bootstraps and be a big boy before I could be allowed to move on with my life from this issue.........I've always known, in theory, that God will not let us take more than we can bear......and today I evidently got to that limit.........I could not bear anymore..........why do I know this? because today God gave me a way out of my dependency.

Let me be clear.........I'm not saying that it's behind me and over......but God has given me the way out..........and now it's time to take Him up on the offer.  See? God is not this grand wizard that with his magic wand will take away what ails us, although He's more than capable of doing so.....but my Father is a practical God, wanting for me to grow not only spiritually but as a learn to endure pain, loss, disappointment............................and become stronger...........well, today at 5:56 PM I became stronger.

There it was........right in front of me..............staring at me in the face.................... my catalyst agent of change........... I'd seen it many times................and yet it didnt look like the "agent of change" that I didnt look like my way God put a spotlight on it and with a knot in my stomach and one in my throat I surrendered...... today the discovery of my catalyst assured me that all is gonna be ok.

I'm sure I've raised your curiosity by now if you've bothered reading this far............well here's the dissappointing part.....I'm not going to let you in on my dependency........the point of this is not "what my dependency was".....the point of this is the lesson that I learned today................God is true to His word.........He will not let us take more than we can bear.......and the "catalyst" to get back on our feet IS in fact there........and it's up to us to find it by diggin into our faith and believing that God does in fact love us and DOES in fact care about us as His children.........He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He wants what's best for us.......HIS version of what's best for us.....sometimes our will gets in the way of seeing that He has SO much more for us if we'll dare ourselves to look slightly beyond our noses........if nothing else to see what He sees......................the unadulterated truth.  He IS truth........and ultimately, truth was my catalyst.

here it is some 5 hours later and not all is peaches and cream but I'm at peace and I'm more focused than I have been in a long long time in a time when there is SO much change going on around comes the next step in the never ending process of growing.........going through with I know my it's time to move on with change.  God be with me.

Have you ever had a catalyst? care to share?

LISTENING TO... Ready To Fly Richard Marx

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