Saturday, July 16, 2011

So much to say.....

Sometimes a songwriter like me just can't win.  Notice that I said 'like me'....what makes me different than other songwriters? well, the nature of a songwriter is usually romantic, sentimental, passionate...and though I am guilty of most of such things, I am a hopeless "dude" as well...I love to watch boxing, spend lots of time digging up the best streetfights on Youtube, (Kimbo Slice anyone?) I am determined to get a motorcyle within this next year, and I'm pretty sure I'd die if college football was ever cancelled.  So as you can see there are some paradoxes in this songwriter's life.  A few years ago, my friend Glenn and I were laughing hysterically at how absolutely bored a certain songwriter was during a superbowl party because he just did not 'get' what was happening on the field...he kept saying things like...'it's so unnecessarily violent' or 'why do they have to try to run with the ball just always pass it' or 'Gawwd why are they stopping the clock again, no wonder this takes so long!'..............anyways, as funny as that is it underscores for me the intransient and philosophical differences between normal men and songwriters, ...dont get me wrong, some of my best musician buddies are the most rabid sports fans in the world BUT I simply want to underscore the fact that in order to be a songwriter.......a good songwriter.......your character traits have to be such that, be it outwardly or inwardly, you have to have a certain willinness to connect with your sentimental, romantic, vulnerable, and emotional much as I can’t stand whiny and weepy men, no man who is a songwriter can write a good song if he’s not in touch with his emotions, whether those emotions are love or anger…they’re still emotions.

My point to all of this......  I love to write....ironically enough, I hate to read......but I could write forever....I have so much to so so much to say....and yet, that's not because i'm necessarily full of opinions nor (most importantly) answers nor solution.  I've started this blog and have chosen to name it "...but then Again.....What Do I Know?"......the reason for that is that I'm sick of seeing blogs by people who pontificate from their blogs as if to say, "I have a blog.... and having a blog is the equivalent of a ph.D in psychology, marital counceling, religion, home remedy medicine, politics, animal husbandry and baking."..........not me....I know very little.........but have so much to say, don't get me wrong....... i have many opinions on many things.....but my biggest desire in life has been to be understood, not on all things, just those that matter to me.........everynow and then in life I get my hopes up thinking I've come accross someone who does and then I'm wrong again and so I keep looking............I don't blame anyone for that other than me..............and so it is with this in mind that I just write....

One of my childhood memories that I'm most fond of was that of my 4th grade teacher who had me stare very very closely at how the paper would absorb the ink from my pen as I would write and she said, "like the ink sinks so effortlessly and intimately onto the paper, so do the thoughts of the writer into the mind of the reader.........and if you're a good writer maybe into their hearts"..........I never forgot this.....i think about this every time I've written a song........especially when I've written a song for a woman...........and so like most every other day, I will write.......though no one reads.........i will write.....though it makes no sense and my words sound like the ramblings of a fool........I will write......when the nights are late and the silence is deafening....I will just write...............................................................................lest my words in my head begin to rot like fruits never picked from the vine and decay my soul.

...but then again, what do I know? I'm just a writer.

I hope you'll stop by often and share your thoughts...

what I'm listening to

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