Monday, September 19, 2005

My Silent Hero

I often speak of my guitar heroes, my favorite movie directors, my favorite epic figures and those who I feel have shaped the world and humanity for the better...the ones who have stood up to adversity and said "I will not go quietly"...those who inspired others to follow and make history. These days though my hero has a different face...these days my hero is someone who has been there next to me all of my hero is a woman very close to me who made room for 5 were before there were hero is my sister. My sister answered a call to love and care for my children when they needed a mother in their life...she goes to school, cares for her 2 beautiful kids, and yet finds the strength and energy to care for mine as well while I run around the world playing television. She knew that my work demands would make it impossible for me to watch and nurture them they way they needed to be nurtured and she pleaded with me to let them go with her. Doing so was one of the hardest things that I have ever done because I knew that they would miss me on top of missing their mother not to mention the fact that I miss them like crazy. I love my little kids like nothing else in this world. I speak to them daily and go out there to see them every chance that I get...The truth is that children need a mother and in the darkest of times my sister became a beacon of light for my future...and a pair of arms to hold my little treasures tight and kiss them when it's time for bed... For this I will never be able to repay her, but only to be in her debt forever...I love you Karin, you are my sister and my hero and I'm thinking of you tonight.

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