Sunday, September 25, 2005

Leaving Just Ain't Fun

I am writing from my sister's home in Anniston AL, this sleepy town is where she makes her home with her husband Bill and two beautiful kids...and 3 rug rats...

I came up to spend the weekend with them and had a blast with them attending their soccer game (we lost 3-2) Diego almost scored...Anthony, well it's slowly coming to I must leave on my 5 hour drive back to Charlotte and 10 minutes into my drive I will miss them like I type, my sister is working with Victoria in teaching her is really cute...

there is no point to tonight's post, no anecdote, no application for me...only an entry to remind me every time I read this post next week just how much I love them right now, how much I treasure them and how much it sucks to be away from them...having said with my sis is the best place on earth for them to be at right now to quote Jude Cole..."Start the car...gotta move..."

Monday, September 19, 2005

My Silent Hero

I often speak of my guitar heroes, my favorite movie directors, my favorite epic figures and those who I feel have shaped the world and humanity for the better...the ones who have stood up to adversity and said "I will not go quietly"...those who inspired others to follow and make history. These days though my hero has a different face...these days my hero is someone who has been there next to me all of my hero is a woman very close to me who made room for 5 were before there were hero is my sister. My sister answered a call to love and care for my children when they needed a mother in their life...she goes to school, cares for her 2 beautiful kids, and yet finds the strength and energy to care for mine as well while I run around the world playing television. She knew that my work demands would make it impossible for me to watch and nurture them they way they needed to be nurtured and she pleaded with me to let them go with her. Doing so was one of the hardest things that I have ever done because I knew that they would miss me on top of missing their mother not to mention the fact that I miss them like crazy. I love my little kids like nothing else in this world. I speak to them daily and go out there to see them every chance that I get...The truth is that children need a mother and in the darkest of times my sister became a beacon of light for my future...and a pair of arms to hold my little treasures tight and kiss them when it's time for bed... For this I will never be able to repay her, but only to be in her debt forever...I love you Karin, you are my sister and my hero and I'm thinking of you tonight.

Monday, September 12, 2005

~...and then you know why you did...

Just when I think I've got life all figured out, a new curve ball the size of a watermelon hits me between the eyes and I wake up 2 hours later with a headache and an epiphony...what if you finally realize that its not just a streak, all of you, all along your heart was simply! beyond stubborn?? and once a long time ago you fell in love...? what if the day came along when you were suppossed to let go, but you did not?...what if spring, winter, summers, and falls rolled by...many times...and your heart still held on?

What if you found love and were devoted, commited and respectful, but that memory was always on the that alarm clock in the empty hotel room next to goes off and it is playing your favorite song at 5 am but there is no one in that room to shut if love the song but right now is not the best time for it to go off...because as much as you'd love to indulge yourself in just cannot be...but you pull that pillow really hard over your head so that some Saturday morning you can listen to it fondly without the flashback of the hotel room....what if love was like that?

What if your stubborn heart holds on year after year? what if you continue to dream of a time that might never come...? what if even in the most clear of realistic mindsets those thoughts keep you warm in the winter? ...what if they light your days when they are the darkest? what if they mend your heart when it's broken? what if????

And then the it love or infatuation? why cant' I let this go..."God, if this is not of You, please take it away...I want only what You want for me and nothing less...but if this is not of You, I need for you to supernaturally take it from my heart...because I can't do it on my own...." but it never goes stays there...and if you really believe in God, you must deduce that He IS answering your prayer...

So you hold on year after year, and you think of her, and you pray for her, and you make a million plans for a million days that will never come...and you write 100 songs, that she'll never hear, and wake up a hundred times to the same hundred disappointment of a hundred dreams that you were having...

But then one day the phone rings and the familiar voice on the other end of the line says things that validate every single day that you had these feelings and thought these thoughts and dreamed those dreams...for once in your life a fairy tale ending doesnt seem impossible and you have to pinch yourself to make sure that you're not dreaming AGAIN! just know it's gonna wait for that silly segue into lucidity but it never stranger comes up to you and for no apparent reason starts to say "wake up...wake up" this time the pinch hurts, and this time you REMAIN in a dreamlike state...with your eyes wide open...

You think of all the times that you thought of letting thought of giving up, you thought of moving on...and you wonder why you didn't...her words fall on your heart like seeds on potting wonder why you held on...and then you know why you did...


The only thing as stubborn as my heart.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

It's not because of you, it's because of me...

I remember hearing a joke many years ago where a man opens the door for a hardcore feminist woman to which she comments..."please don't open my door just because I'm a lady..." he answers..."I did not open the door because you're a lady, I opened it because I am a gentleman...." Does it ever feel like no matter how much you give it's never enough? I am in the middle of that right now...the blame game...the rethorical questions...the feeling deep inside that you'd be better off packing it all in the car and driving west to get a job as a construction worker that clocks out at 5 pm...

I will not quit...not because I don't feel that I can make a good case for demanding repect, but because I cannot sell out my standards to those who arm chair quarterback...I will not quit because my kids deserve better... Mr. Miyagi told Daniel Larusso..."Danielsan, never put passion before principle, even if it lose". I once read on a Motley Crue album cover, When you give the world your best and the world kicks you in the teeth, give them your best anyways...

Sunday, September 4, 2005

Back from Katrina/The Gulf Coast

Wow! eventful weekend to say the least...first of all, somehow our travel agent managed to get me tickets into an airport that had not reopened after the I found myself on Friday at the Charlotte airport at 5:45 AM trying to get rebooked to a different airport BUT one that had an available rental car!! it ended up being Mobile AL. As it turns out, it was all due to divine intervention...INSP was going live with a benefit on Saturday night...I managed to get on a small 2 seater plane (they left the door open so that I could tape) and I was able to get pictures of Bayou La Batre where the Bubba Gump scenes were taped for Forest Gump...storm surge waters put the boats a quarter mile inland and there they sit...I don't know how the heck they'll get them back in the water...

I was able to find a FedEx that was delivering and was able to get my areal footage as well as some other devastation shots to INSP and they made air on Saturday night... I spent the night in my car Friday night (no hotels), and by a miracle of God, I ended up car #3 in a gas line of over 50 cars...I filled the tank (which the rental car place had given me with only a quarter of a tank!)...having filled up the car, I was able to venture out to north of New Orleans to Picayune Mississippi, and to Slidell...I met up with The Convoy of Hope guys there and was able to coordinate a live Satelite Phone uplink to INSPs live show at 9pm E...the later part of the afternoon me and a new friend of mine by the name of Curtis went to Slidell....The town is flattenned! the destruction is undescribable...I taped about 3 tapes worth of footage and took a bunch of the night fell and curfew began I headed east to Gulf Port...I ran around from town to town shooting all day...after all my running around (controlled and strategically mind you-there is a terrible shortage of gas) I spent the night in my car again, this time about 15 yards from a police checkpoint they offer to let me park there as there had been several carjackings the night before...that was cool of them... I got up today at 6 am, reloaded my camera with a fresh battery and hit Gulf Port (which till now I had only seen at night)...Gulf port was even worse than Slidell...I shot about another 3 tapes there and then had to make my way back into Mobile with brief stops in Biloxi and Ocean Springs...

My trip ended back in Mobile where I got back on a plane to Charlotte where I spent just enough time to take a shower, repack a bag, label all of my tapes and get back on another plane to Washington DC where I am now falling asleep at the keyboard as I write this...thanks for all of your prayers...they got me through the weekend...!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

~Do You Remember This?

Do You Remember This?

A little house by a church yard...
The mountain side, a Tennessee sky...
Momma's calling, it's time to come inside...

Do You Remember? Do You Remember This?

Granny Dollar, Sunday afternoons...
Bugger Hollow, Fayetteville moon, Your park table on a hot June...

Do You Remember? Do You Remember This?

Little girl, lost in the lights, but you ain't all city,
Bet I'd see it in your eyes...
Come home running, I'll be waiting at the county line for you..

. The ones that love you, the ones that cry
looking out the window, maybe tonight,
you'll come home running...
that's still your bedroom,

Do You Remember? Do You Remember This?

A life that's waiting away from where you are
hearts longing to be with you tonight...
Bus ticket home, and your dad will hold you tight...
Do You Remember? Do You Remember This?

Little girl, lost in the lights, but you ain't all city,
Bet I'd see it in your eyes...
Come home running, I'll be waiting at the county line for you...

Guitar Solo
A simple boy, who never learned to dance
Two left feet, needs another chance
to win your heart and ride into that sky

Do You Remember? Do You Remember Me?

Little girl, lost in the lights, but you ain't all city,
Bet I'd see it in your eyes...
Come home running, I'll be waiting at the county line for you...

Words and Music
Rudy Landa
BMI/ 3Little Bugs Music
Copyright 2005

Saturday, August 27, 2005

~Worlds Colliding!

I moved away from home in 1993 and went to Nashville TN, everyone that I had known until that point I consider my "old life", and all of the friends from 1993 after, I consider my new life...when I would go back to visit Miami from Nashville or Charlotte, it felt like "another life" with it's cultural differences and all...other than taking my ex wife and kids down there with me from time to time, my 2 worlds rarely (if ever), met or intertwined...

That was so until this summer...I introduced an ex girlfriend's sister (Miami world), to a cameraman friend of mine in Nashville (Nashville world) in the hopes that they would become friends...OH BOY DID THEY!... Now the 2 worlds have if all of a sudden, your dog starts barking backwards...or you run into your long gone great grandfather fueling up his 1947 Chevy truck at the gas station...or if president Kerry, declares a state of emergency for Louisiana in light of the imminent Hurricane can thank me for disturbing and meddling with parallel universes and disrupting the Time/Space continuum...if you have any questions please call information...thank you for calling, (Willie Wonka) para Espanol oprima el numerdo dos...God save the queen...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


There was a girl that I knew who lived in Nashville...she was very talented (had an incredible singing voice...) she was found in a hotel room last night overdosed and no longer alive...I had not seen her in about 2 years, and all that I could think about today was how full of life she was the last time that I saw ex wife and her had been best friends at one point and she had promised to come to Charlotte to visit her...Now that trip will never happen...

In the last month and a half I have lost 5 people in my immediate life...a new record for my life... and as much as at 34 death is no longer something foreign to me (I have lost many friends in my life), the sting and edge of losing someone never goes away...

So to all of you out is but a is frail and is precious, and as a friend or as family you're special to me.... here's to living, here's to's to living a life with meaning...I'll miss ya Cherise...

Echoes of Andrew

Today makes 13 years to the day of one of the most amazing turning points in my life...Hurricane blew in from the Atlantic over my hometown of Cutler Ridge/Homestead and absolutely leveled it...what's amazing about that is that overnight the lives, the futures, the influences, plans, intentions, and destinies of entire communities were drastically and radically affected...

To anyone who lives or used to live in the area, life came to be known as Before Andrew and After this day, people ask me if I was there for Andrew when they find out that I am from Miami...I remember walking out after the storm subsided at 6am and feeling like a bomb had gone off...everything that we owned in this world was destroyed...there was an unnerving feeling of desperation like you truly did not know where to start or what to start with...did you clean up the mess? did you walk away? did you bother crying? or was it so big that you were just better off counting your losses and driving away?...we did not leave, we cleaned up the mess and kept hindsight, that was the biggest earthly mess that I've cleaned up so far...the amazing part is that I have managed to get myself into messes since then...that make me long for the Hurricane Andrews as they would be easier to fix...

These days I stand facing north with a sense of anticipation and excitement...this last year has been the most trying that I have ever faced...I have been the happiest, the saddest...felt the proudest one moment and the most disappointed the next...I have been on an emotional roller coaster that would rival anything on Islands of Adventure...and after a while you'd be willing to give up the highs of the ride to take away the sob story here though...Love saves the day...I have experienced the love of friends and family in such a real, strong, and special way, that I can honestly say that I am excited about the future again, more excited about certain things than other but those are for a different post on a different day...this entry I dedicate as a "Thank You" to those in my life who have redefined the word "Friendship" to me, and to the ones who have made me feel like dreaming again, to quote a song from the Judds..."Love can build a bridge, between your heart and mine, love can build a bridge, don't you think it's time? don't you think it's time..." Love is a mighty thing...mightier than any 160MPH Hurricane....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fall 2005 Update- Improvement to a miserable year.

Yesterday, for the first time, I reaped the benefits of UM moving to the ACC fellow UM fans here in Charlotte and I drove for 2 hours to Clemson SC to support our Canes...the game was great...we won in triple overtime!! I will have pics up soon on my website... which I will launch next Tuesday....if you visit it...please remember it is a temporary work in progress...I have a lot of plans for it down the line...

On other news, I have shared with some of you that I will be doing a record this year...I will be recording it here in Charlotte with my good friend Bill Pickup...This Tueday I will begin pre-production on it...this will be a very special project for me as I intend to pull a bunch of my friends in it to appear...I wrote approximately 30 songs for this project and will narrow it down to about 10 or 11 by the time we start to record the tracks in October...Bill and I are starting to demo this coming Tuesday...other plans for this record...a distribution deal with an indie label...still in the hunt for the right one...a music video for internet play only at this time...and possibly a small scale tour in the Spring of 06 with a band...I have all of this to juggle on top of my ongoing is going to be a busy fall!!! I love it.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Assignment: Hurricane Katrina

I am on my way to New Orleans to cover the Hurricane Katrina relief effort by INSP and Convoy of Hope...hopefully in the days to come I will post some pics of what I encounter down there...I survived Hurricane Andrew and I expect that I will get flashbacks even though I covered Ivan and Charlie, but they did not cause nearly what Katrina and Andrew did...stay tuned for an update...