Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Goodbye Miami" originally posted Jan 2, 2009

I dont normally wish that I could go back in time as I find it a futile desire....i normally choose to learn from the past for the future..............but this one? this one I wish I could do over again....I wish I could get 2009 many things I'd do ............not necessarily different.........just better.....anyways.....found this and it really took me back to where I was that night and what I was feeling...I even included the comments from the original post.....looking back is cool.

Goodbye Miami.

It always happens to me right after the holidays.....I remember that just a few weeks ago I was saying "wow....the holidays will be here in no time...." and just like that they came and went. Now it's a new year, and as much as we like to use the cliches like "New begginings" and "blank slate".....the truth is that in some ways we might have the resolve to start new things and have fresh attitudes and approaches, but realistically the things from last year followed us right through December and right through the champagne and fireworks of the new year.
As most of you know, I'm in and out of Miami as if the Turnpike,I-95 and Miami International Airport were a revolving door...most of you also know why this is, the demands of my job.....some of you also know that by virtue of being a single dad this was the life that I had to take on.....juggling the work/travel schedule with the responsabilities of being a dad, etc......
The truth is that in 2006 I came to Miami to be a refugee....from the yuckiness of life, from the reality of a dismembered relationship, and the futility of trying to be a good father in that condition......the truth is, I needed help.....yes, I needed help in the logistics of my career on the road and the care of my kids, but the truth is, I needed my family.....I needed to be able to be at the weakest and most transparent moments of my life in the seclusion of the efficiency apartment next door to the people that cared and loved me the most in this world......much like a substance abuser, I needed to detox my life from bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, insecurity, and depression........I was blessed with a support group that was there for me through all of those things.........when I needed to lock myself away and write pages and pages or eccentric nonsense, that in hindsight show me how messed up I was, or wheather I needed to spend 8 to 10 hours on the piano playing every possible sad or angry song that I could remember the lyrics to, or whether I chose to stay awake until 5am designing a MySpace collage.....or whatever I chose to do during those first few months back in Miami.....I was blessed beyond measure to have the support that I had.....
The days started getting better when my second summer here came, my clients were on "down months" and  during those "down months" when the work load is practically non-existent, being on a "retainer" is a beautiful thing.........I chose at that time and during those months to remodel my parents living room....this was a special time for me because I was able to sink myself into being "creative" again, and it was a creativity that  was able to excersize with carpentry, power tools and wood, instead of musical instruments or cameras.  This time was my turning point.........
Well, here it is again, as much as I have left Miami a million times going somewhere.....on Saturday morning I'll be.............leaving Miami.
I say here it is "again" because I did this leaving in 1993......I packed up all of my things and set out to "conquer the world" ideas of "conquering the world" are much different now...and though I still have "worlds to conquer", they are more personal goals than anything else.....the pressures of "making it" are off me.....because the only "making it" that I'm interested in, is to successfully balance out being a single dad and making a living in a career that's been very good to me.  I've taken a staff producer job for a network in North Carolina, it's a dream job and I know and absolutely love every person on the team that I'll be the end of the school year, my kids will join me full time in Charlotte and hopefully we'll pick up where our lives left off in April of 2005.........
I leave Miami healthy, strong, and on my feet....I don't say this braggingly, I say it thankfully........what I owe to so many people would take me lifetimes to repay.  Among a myriad of lessons learned over the last few years, one of the most important ones for me has been that God, family, and friends.....true friends.......are really what it's ALL about....another lesson that I've learned is to not stay gone for 15 years.....and to not lose touch.....with the internet, now there's no excuse.  So many of you have been here for me and as I leave I pray that I won't let you down............It's hard to leave the "safety" of Miami........but it's time.............and tomorrow starts the rest of my life.

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