Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love Words

Isn't it amazing what emotions love conjures up in your heart? I wrote this forever ago....found it on my blog on MySpace (remember MySpace?) I'm thinking I wrote it around 2007 but not sure....I had it bad.

It's being awake at 3 am...........again.
It's being a writer and not finding the right words....
It's hearing "take me there" and sinking into the bass line
groove of it like it's holding you while you're slow dancing...
It's closing your eyes and still feeling the feel of her hair
and the smell of the perfume you bought her....
It's finding the magic in the fact that she was there all along
for years living right around the corner from your favorite restaurant
waiting to be discovered by you....
It's replaying the night you met her, time after time, after time, after time...
and replaying the magic that was that mutual chemistry the moment
she asked, "you have kids? how old are they?"
It's the first shaky, nervous kiss after all of that time wanting to .....so badly.
It's the secret "knowing" looks around mutual friends while "not letting anyone in" on the joke
It's locking eyes in public and wanting to run off somewhere secluded each time
it's watching her smile from the other side of the lobby and know
exactly all of the things she's thinking without her even saying a word...
It's writing yet another song, and another one after that...
It's feeling 17 when you're 38.....and feeling the feeling you haven't felt in so, so long...
It's hearing her say the words...."please don't go"....or...."please come over"....
It's making up reasons to walk by her office....
It's getting in trouble at work for running up your SMS TXT bill too high...
It's making plans secretly...daydreaming....and writing your last name after her first name....
it's wanting to say the words that will truly convey to her exactly what you're feeling
and being frustrated because neither the English nor Spanish languages are capable of 
implanting your heart in her chest for 5 minutes so that she can actually feel what it is that you're trying to tell her....
It's being in love and making sure your eyes are wide open to take every moment of it in.

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